When you are in space, there are plenty of restrictions to adhere to, including not being able to eat or drink as you place, and neither can you just pee in the conventional method. Having said that, while most astronauts are supposed to be in tip top physical condition, you cannot guarantee that they won’t fall sick, either. To make sure that medical problems can be diagnosed in space, the European Space Agency (ESA) is developing on an augmented reality system which is said to be able to assist astronauts diagnose medical problems outside of the earth’s atmosphere in a far more efficient manner.
Known as the Computer Assisted Medical Diagnosis and Surgery System (CAMDASS), this wearable augmented reality system comes with a head-mounted display which will merge actual and virtual reality through a clever and precise combination of computer-generated graphics alongside the wearer’s view. Currently in the prototype stage, it is focused on ultrasound at first, but can also be used in tandem with other modalities, too.
Filed in Augmented Reality (AR) and Space.
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