Yes, it was just yesterday that we brought you news of the Asus Eee Pad Transformer TF101 receive the Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich update after numerous delays and disappointments over the months, but here we are with something else that ought to cheer up Transformer Prime owners – Asus has just rolled out their bootloader unlocking tool (as promised) that can be retrieved directly from the official Asus support site. Bear in mind that this bootloader unlocking tool is compatible only with Prime tablets that are powered by Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich and above. If you happen to download the application and run it on your Transformer Prime, you can then install custom operating software onto your tablet after that. Asus has one caveat though – unlocking the bootloader is a one way ticket to warranty obliteration that kicks in the very instant. It is also linpossible – sorry, impossible to recover the tablet back to its original locked state. Have you given the bootloader unlocking tool a go yet?

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