Fancy driving around a vehicle using nothing but gesture controls? That thought sounds a little scary, and if the steering wheel still causes problems for some when driving, resulting in accidents, who knows what might happen when the world moves on to a gesture control-based vehicle? I’d loathe to own an insurance company then. Mercedes-Benz looks to the future with their conceptual gesture control idea that might just grace our vehicles many years down the road, where there is not a single button or switch available for you to press or toggle. Known as the Dynamic & Intuitive Control Experience (DICE), it will rely on a bunch of proximity sensors which will detect arm and hand movements, controlling just about everything from music to navigation and social functionality.

Who knows what might happen when you have an itch to scratch, and the system interprets it as something totally different, sending your new German make down the cliff. Of course, something like this will probably take a couple of decades to perfect, so in the mean time, you can still hug your steering wheel for dear life as you zoom down the freeway while digging for some gold nuggets from your nose.

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