[CES 2012] Technology has moved forward to an extent where we are now looking at the possibility of donning heads-up displays (HUDs), while seeing these in action in everyday items like cars as well. Lumus takes to the CES showfloor with aplomb, where it relies on their very own patented Light-guide Optical Element, which is actually a micro-display pod. This will work in tandem with the Optical Engine that will project light into the lens, letting it reflect back to the user’s eye thanks to reflectors that are embedded within the lens.
As for the Lumus DK-32, it is capable of achieving a bright 720p 3D-capable display, and we did give it a go to say that the effect is impressive – but perhaps that could be due to experiencing a new kind of technology for the first time. Colors remain nice and bright, and can be adjusted via the display pod to keep the images clear. I guess most of us would find the idea of walking around while watching YouTube without stumbling over a cane or stubbing our toes against furniture to be a novel idea, but it does not take away the fact that your divided attention span makes this unsuitable for driving use.