Are you one of those who leave things to the last minute because you do not have the inspiration to complete a certain task, and with the deadline looming on the horizon, only do you then get up and churn out a winner? For folks who can only work under pressure and reap stunning results, you do wonder from time to time whether you would have come up with an even better job or presentation had you taken the trouble to plan everything out properly instead of working spontaneously. I guess the folks over at Google belong more to the first group described, and my claim to that would be the fact that the Gmail logo was conjured just the night before Gmail launched.
Former Google designer Kevin Fox attests to this, that his colleague Dennis Hwang stayed up late the night before Gmail launched, where Hwang was hard at work on the email service’s logo. According to Fox, “The logo was designed literally the night before the product launched. We were up very late and Sergey and I went down to his cube to watch him make it.” Do we appreciate the work and thought that went into the Gmail logo, or do we take things for granted?