Fake iPad 5 has 4G connectivity

Wait a minute here – am I missing something, or do the folks at Laos hail from the future? Otherwise, how else can you explain an iPad 5 that has 4G connectivity built in? Yes sir, Laos and their neighbors in South East Asia are noted for churning out counterfeit goods, and with all things Apple being so popular in recent times, it makes perfect sense to milk this particular cow for all it is worth, never mind that the iPad 3 is not even released yet (although there are rumors of it swirling around). Apart from the fake iPad 5, other Apple products that have undergone the clone hammer include an iPhone-branded clamshell device that is but a standard Java-powered handset when powered on.

Laotians are also able to pick up an iPhone 4S with just Wi-Fi connectivity (meaning there is no 3G support), which obviously does not exist in the real world, although it has been slapped with a $125 price tag – a princely sum considering the country’s per capita income averages $2,435.

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