Windows StoreMicrosoft introduced its Windows 8 app store today for the first time, and fortunately for those of us who didn’t make it to the event, a detailed write up a video introduction was posted up on the official Windows Store blog. In case you didn’t know – the Windows Store will be where consumers will find and acquire Metro-style apps. The Windows Store will feature a Metro-style interface and its apps pages will be available online and to search engine, making it easier to discover apps on the store from non-Windows 8 devices.

In other to entice developers to hop over to its platform, Microsoft has also announced that developers will earn 70% for their new apps they submit but once they hit $25,000 in revenue – Microsoft will reduce the amount they make, and developers will get 80% instead. Sounds like a pretty good deal – of course, developers will have to make sure they hit the $25,000 first. Microsoft also announced its First Apps contest for developers that will let give winners 1st in Store and reserved name, a Developer Preview PC, 1 year of Azure and a 2 year Store membership.

The Windows Store will be open to customers when the Windows 8 beta is released in late February 2012.

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