Traveling on wheels is certainly different today compared to even 30 years ago – the comfort level in a car has increased dramatically, with seats that have memory functions, rear view mirrors that double up as a parking display, or even LCD displays at the back of the headrest for back seat passengers to enjoy a movie en route to their destination. OnStar from General Motors has developed a new system alongside Verizon, where it was recently demonstrated in a Buick LaCrosse research vehicle. This particular system will harness the speed of Verizon’s 4G LTE network in order to deliver cloud-based streaming (both news and entertainment), rear-seat infotainment management and video chat capabilities – seems to be the perfect add-on to have in your ride when you’re tired of playing verbal games with your kids.

It is said that the vehicle itself will come with a 4G modem in order to deliver Internet connectivity and services wherever you are, as long as you fall under the curtain of coverage. Apart from that, it seems that a couple of tablet computers have also been hardwired into the vehicle itself. Would such an inclusion increase the possibility of someone breaking into your car to steal the tablet units?

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