Half-Life 3 shirtEver since the Half-Life 3 logo was spotted on a t-shirt worn by a Valve employee, the rumors have gone crazy trying to guess if and when the game would be released. It seems that the rumors have been fueled further by a recent video featuring Portal 2’s Wheatley have revealed an obscure set of text that reads ‘OBSERVATION SATELLITE “LANTHANUM”’.

A lot of fans and gamers have interpreted that the word when written in Greek would display the Lambda character, which many of you guys probably recognize as the symbol of the Half-Life franchise. However it seems that when GameSpot attempted to reach out to Valve asking if perhaps fans were reading too much into the video, the Valve representative replied with a simple “Yep”.

However the Half-Life 3 t-shirt combined with Valve’s “Doug Rattman”’s Twitter feed (which seems to be going crazy at the moment) all seems to point to something. Could fans and gamers really be so desperate for Half-Life 3 that they’re seeing signs and clues where there are none, or is Valve simply playing coy and teasing us all the way till the end right before the announcement?

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