Asterisk robotSome researchers in Japan have managed to develop a six-legged robot, Asterisk, which can use two legs as arms when needed so it can pick things up and carry them. In addition to normal walking motions, the robot will be able to get over elevations and even through narrow places by lowering its body.

The robot, inspired by insects, has legs that feature the same working range in all directions. It also has no distinction between its top or bottom which means that if it falls over, it can easily get up by turning its legs the other way – a useful feature to have since it is capable of climbing by hooking its legs onto things like nets on walls. More ways of getting around are being developed so that the robot will be even more versatile and useful in navigating hard to reach places.

In the future, Asterisk will be used in activities like rescue work and building maintenance. Check out a video demonstration of the robot in action:

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