Yes, we do know that Sony’s latest handheld console, the PS Vita, has a rather commendable launch lineup, and one of the must-have accessories for this particular device would be the PS Vita memory card which stubbornly retains Sony’s love for proprietary formats. Basically, without a memory card for the PS Vita, you might as well not play any game since there is no where else to save it, and you cannot just pull an SD memory card from your digital camera or notebook and use it here. In fact, demand for the PS Vita memory cards have been extremely high, that they are already selling out in Japan (the 32GB version in particular since that makes the most sense to purchase), having been confirmed for a US launch as well.

As for those living Down Under and across the pond, you will be missing out on the 32GB cards as the PS Vita arrives on your respective continents next February. According to a Sony representative on the PlayStation Blog, “at this time we are not planning to launch with the 32GB PS Vita Memory Card”. I guess grey imports would be the order of the day, then.

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