Are you looking forward to the upcoming Street Fighter X Tekken game from Capcom? Well if you are, and if you’re a fan of character customization, Capcom has revealed that the upcoming Street Fighter X Tekken game will allow for full customization of your characters.

This level of customization seems to have been inspired by Tekken’s customization mode, but does not appear to go as deep. Players will be able to customize their character’s hair, skin, costume and accessories. Costumes will also be available as a DLC and will feature costumes that crossover between the franchises.

What this means is that characters will be able to dress up as characters of the opposing franchise, as pictured above where Chun Li is dressed as Panda (and looking cute too, I might add) and Julia is dressed as Chun Li. There are plenty of other crossovers such as Zangief as Kuma, and Cammy as King. It’s a rather novel concept but undoubtedly there are players out there fussy about character looks.

Street Fight X Tekken is expected to be released in March of 2012, and for more screenshots of character customization, you can head on down to Capcom Europe or Capcom Japan.

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