Google+ Notifications for ChromeIf you’re a heavy Google+ user, and Google Chrome is your browser of choice, you’re in luck. Google has just released an official Chrome extension that brings the social network right to your very browser. You know that little red notifications box that’s on the top right corner of every Google service you’re signed into? With the extension, you can have that box on your browser itself, next to your address bar, so you no longer have to open up or switch to a Google tab just to see your notification count.

The notification box functions in the same way as the regular one, which means you can write comments, add people to your circles, and so on. The only difference being – you don’t ever having to leave the website you’re currently on. Though if you wish to launch Google+, it even contains a link to the page, making it a 2-click process. Talk about convenient!

Head over to the Chrome webstore to download Google+ Notifications for Google Chome now.

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