EverQuest 2Sony Online Entertainment has had a lot of success with DC Universe Online going free to play, so it looks like they’ve decided to make another one of their popular MMORPGs (massively multiplayer online role playing game) titles free as well. The game in question? EverQuest 2. Starting December 6th, anybody will be able to download EverQuest 2 and start playing for free.

Just like other games that went free to play recently, it’s going to work on a freemium model, with all the essential content available to all gamers for free. For additional benefits such as extra races, classes, character slots, spell tiers, bag slots, and more – users will have to fork out real money. Sounds fair enough – get new players hooked onto the game with free content so they’ll want to pay for additional features. Head over to the EverQuest 2 website for more details. How many of you currently play EverQuest 2, and for those of you who don’t, will you be giving it a try?

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