Angry Birds stores to be opened in China next year

If you can’t get enough of Angry Birds (it sure feels like most of the world can’t), you might want to consider a vacation to China sometime next year. Rovio has announced that it plans to open a series of Angry Birds branded retail stores in China within the coming 12 months. The reason for the store opening in China has been due to the number of unofficial merchandise being sold in the country, and the fact that it’s been downloaded 50 million times in China alone. There’s no mention where else Rovio will be opening its stores elsewhere, but if they’re aiming to eliminate unofficial merchandise, Asia is definitely where they want to be at.
Even though Angry Birds has been doing extremely well, I can’t help but feel that Rovio is milking the game for all it’s worth. After all, I think It’s about time they release something new to prove that they’re more than a one hit wonder (no, I don’t count the Angry Birds spin-offs as new games). What do you think?
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