Unchartered 3 hits 4.4 million headshots in 4 days

Statistics are interesting to read about since it really depends on which angle you approach a particular figure from to churn out your very own story. For instance, we do know that the iPhone 4S is not only the “best iPhone yet”, it is also the best selling iPhone to date in terms of opening weekend sales with more than 4 million units moved. When it comes to video games, here’s some trivia – did you know that a total of 47 billion shots were fired in Battlefield 3 open beta? I guess now you do, so why not put that on the backburner for a while and read on how Unchartered 3 has fared in just 4 days after its release.

The PlayStation blog reports that PS Home players actually “racked up 7.7 million enemy kills and 4.4 million headshots in just 4 days. Wow!” Now how about that for accuracy? I just wonder how many percentage of shots were spot on, and out of that, what is the cut between headshots and body shots?

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