TEKKEN Hybrid Extreme Bundle Pack
Fans of Tekken now have a reason to jump for joy with the latest and upcoming installment in the Tekken series – Tekken Hybrid. Namco Bandai Games America today announced a clubNamco exclusive version of Tekken Hybrid for the PlayStation 3. Called the Tekken Hybrid “EXTREME” Bundle Pack, this limited edition package consists of Tekken Hybrid for the PS3, a Mad Catz Namco Arcade Fightstick Tournament Edition “S”, the Tekken Hybrid Limited Edition two-disc soundtrack and an art book. Sounds like something that would keep hardcore Tekken fans happy for awhile.

There will only be 1000 units of the Tekken Hybrid “EXTREME” Bundle Pack, so make sure you place your pre-orders early if you’re keen on picking one up. Pre-orders start today, October 6th 2011, and the game will be released on November 22nd in the US. How many of you will be pulling out the credit cards for this limited edition bundle?

[Press Release]

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