How many of you out there use pedometers in your everyday life? I would suppose folks who keep a close watch on the amount of calories they partake do, and if you are going to go out to purchase a pedometer for yourself, why not go the extra mile and make sure the one that you get is worth every penny? The Striiv pedometer has an interesting name, and nice to know it remains small and portable so that you can measure the amount of steps taken each day in addition to stairs climbed.

Not only that, Striiv’s LCD display allows you to indulge in a unique set of games which require some activity on your part in order to achieve certain levels of progress – hence giving positive motivation so that you can start burning all that extra fat. A full charge should be able ot last a week, where you can keep track of your daily stats just to see how you are progressing.

Out later this week, it will retail for $99 – any takers?

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