Max Payne 3
Any of you as excited about Max Payne 3 as I am? If you are, you’ll be glad to know that Rockstar Games has just uploaded three new screenshots showing us what to expect from the upcoming game when it drops next year. The screenshots look significantly darker than the previously released trailer which was a tad too bright for some people’s tastes. Max looks to be on form and in tip top shape – with and without hair, and of course we have Max Payne with his signature dual-wielding moves. It also looks like Max can now kick in the game (no need for a Matrix mod!)

No telling if the screenshots are from cut scenes in the game or actual gameplay, but one thing is for certain – they look awesome. March 2012 can’t come soon enough. Hit the break to check out two more screenshots of the game:

Max Payne 3

Max Payne 3

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