Using your brains to control a particular toy is nothing new with Mattel’s offerings in the past, where the goal of the game is to concentrate hard enough and move the ball to your opponent’s area – with your counterpart attempting to do the same as well. Well, it seems that a new brain-computer interface that currently enables people to precisely control a virtual helicopter’s movements with their mind sans surgical implants might be the future where prosthetic limb control is concerned. Of course, such technology would not escape the notice of the military, so we could very well see mind-controlled military robots perform a mission as well.

This new noninvasive system that allows the piloting of vehicles will require one to wear a cap on their heads, and so far experiments that involved test subjects guide a computer-animated helicopter on a screen proved successful with a 85% rate. This will definitely mark a new milestone for patients who need help in controlling prosthetic limbs – and we can’t wait to see the fruit of such a discovery happen down the nearby future, or at least that is what we hope.

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