For those who may or may not have enjoyed Final Fantasy XIV Online, it looks like despite the somewhat disastrous launch of the game, the development team is still going strong at it, attempting to make it work and improving it through various patches. It was all of these that eventually led to the PlayStation 3 version of the game being delayed. The good news is that Square Enix has decided to “reboot” the game with Final Fantasy XIV Online Version 2.0.

Now with the PlayStation Vita coming up, naturally some might be curious as to whether the MMO will be made available for the console, and in an interview, Producer and Director Naoki Yoshida had this to say:

“Yes, currently this is all post-2.0, but because we’re doing a reconstruction of our server system, in those plans, we’re going to make sure that the servers can be accessed by outside devices such as smart phones. Not just the Vita, but also smart phones, so that kind of access will be allowed. What that will open the door to is things like applications that people can used to check their inventory, or check the market and purchase things from the auctions. Those are the things we are laying for in our server foundation, so we can be ready to implement those after 2.0.”

So it seems like Version 2.0 will allow the game to be accessed via the Vita and possibly even smartphones, but as the extent of this access remains unknown at this point. Will the Vita be able to play the game, or will it merely serve as an interface, much like Blizzard’s World of Warcraft Remote Auction House? Either way it appears that the game has been given a new lease of life, so let’s see how it does in round two.

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