Using a customer-centric approach (rather than vendor-centric), on 12 case studies, where we’ll dissect the most disruptive examples across all layers of the cloud.
These customer case studies will highlight the core components of the cloud revolution: security, collaboration, analytics, mobile usage, increased productivity, and integration.
Ubergizmo readers register here and use promo code “VB_GIZMO” to get 15% off.
The cloud is increasingly governing how companies manage themselves, and it’s giving them more flexibility, speed, and savings. At CloudBeat 2011 you’ll learn the best solutions that are changing the way businesses serve customers, empower employees, and deliver tangible value to investors. Participants include:
The event will bring together over 500 executives — from the hottest cloud startups and leading cloud providers to Fortune 500 companies — with a mix of CEO’s, CIO’s, CTO’s, VP’s of Product Development, analysts, investors, press, and more.
Join us for an information-packed two days that will offer actionable lessons and networking opportunities, as we explore revolutionary instances of enterprise adoption of the cloud.
Ubergizmo readers register here and use promo code “VB_GIZMO” to get 15% off.