Thanks to Neal Patwari and his colleagues at the University of Utah, they have come up with a new study where they demonstrate how their motion detecting technology could be used to monitor breathing patterns and could possible aid in understanding sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

Apart from SIDS, this system can also help aid doctors keep track of patients who may be experience sleep apnea. For those unfamiliar with the condition, it’s where the sleeper suddenly stops breathing in their sleep for several seconds. The severity of it ranges from person to person, but in general sleep apnea can lead to people waking up and still feeling tired among other things.

In order to accomplish this, Patwari surrounded himself (whilst reclined on a bed) with 20 wireless transceivers operating at a frequency of 2.4GHz (as pictured above). Through the system’s algorithm, Patwari discovered that it was capable of accurately measuring respiration within 0.4 to 0.2 breaths per minute, which apparently is a pretty low error rate. This method of measuring is non-invasive and low-cost compared to today’s solutions, and he even plans to implement his system into baby monitors to be used at home. Unfortunately he claims that this could take at least five years before anything comes to fruition.

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