Viadeo’s social graph
is a business social network similar to LinkedIn and very popular outside the USA, the service  is number one in China and number two in India, with a global user-base of over 35 million members. Since the re-design of its brand and website, Viadeo growth rate has soared: one million new members are joining each month.

Viadeo connect button Today, Viadeo launched its public API in the US, providing a Viadeo Connect button to developers, just like Facebook connect, based on Oauth 2 authentication protocol. With Video API, developers will be able to tap into Viadeo’s huge amount of data and leverage it for their sites.

To show the multiple ways Viadeo’s social graph can be used, the company designed a subway map with several lines, each representing a different category with each station representing a table in the database. The subway graph is great (image above), you instantly understand what could be possible to achieve using the API.

Viadeo also launched its Developer API contest  Starting today, the contest runs through October 14, 2011.  Submissions will be reviewed from October 15-20 by a panel of judges including Robert Scoble and Kin Lane of Programmable Web. The winners will be announced on October 24.

Viadeo Metrics

Viadeo Metrics

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