Tencent App CenterIf you thought that one app store was more than enough for Android users to use, it looks like there’s going to be one more to add to the list – well if you’re living in China. It has been reported that there at least eight Android app stores over in that side of the world, and that’s not even including the upcoming Baidu Yi, which will have its own app store as well.

The latest one to join the list of stores is from the creator of QQ apps – Tencent. It will be called the Tencent App Center, and is a reworked version of a similar service that was operated under the “QQ” name. The App Center won’t only cater to Android devices, but will also serve out Java, Symbian, iOS and Windows Mobile apps as well.

But one thing that Tencent things they can do better than the competition is due to the fact that it already “has hundreds of millions of QQ users already standing by.” I doubt anybody over this side of the world is going to end up using this Tencent App Center, but it sure gives us a look of how different Android can be in different parts of the world – having two Android app stores here is already enough trouble for most developers – now imagine how much fun developers are going to have managing their apps that can be bought from eight different app stores?

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