Ah, the circle of life continues as a device hits the FCC only to see it being prepared for a release shortly after that – case in point, the Kobo Vox that recently made an appearance at the FCC, only to have it show up on Futureshop.ca with a specifications sheet, shipping date of October 17th as well as $250 Loonies. That’s Canadian dollars for you just in case you were not aware.

Well, it didn’t take too long for that boo-boo to reach the ears of Futureshop.ca, hence the removal of the product page within a couple of hours after it first hit the Internet. The specifications sheet do point towards the Vox as an Android-powered tablet, but there was no version information to go along with it. The Vox should be able to fit comfortably into the palm of your hand with its 7″ display at 1,024 × 600, where the chassis will also carry Wi-Fi connectivity, 8GB of internal memory, a microSD memory card slot to augment that figure even more, a speaker, as well as access to the Android Market. Angry Birds, anyone?

Tipping the scales at 400 grams, the battery life is rumored to last for around 6 hours, although we do not know in what context that figure was quoted. Bear in mind that until an official product page with its specifications are released, the above are just general guidelines that might change in time.

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