If there’s one thing that the iPhone 5 rumors share in common is that there is a shared belief that there will be two iPhones released this year. There will be an iPhone 5, which supposedly sports a new design and upgraded hardware, and an iPhone 4s, which is the budget iPhone that will most likely just see a bump in processor while keeping the design and specs of the iPhone 4, along with a downgrade in storage capacity to just 8GB.

The good news is that an iPhone seems to be on track for a release in October, although it may not be the iPhone that many are hoping for. According to 9to5 Mac, it appears that the iPhone 5 is facing some design and production delays which will ultimately cause the much anticipated handset to see a delay in release, possibly 2012, which we’re guessing is news a lot of iPhone users do not want to hear.

“It appears that the tear-drop shaped iPhone 5 with larger screen and thinner, rounder body is seeing continued design and production delays, at least on one assembly line (Apple has multiple production sources – Pegatron, Foxconn, etc).  We therefore think that iPhone 5 will be delayed slightly at the very least and may see shortages all the way into 2012.

The iPhone 5 itself is a sight to behold, we’ve been told.  It is impossibly light, yet much firmer than Samsung Galaxy phones which are backed in plastic.  The camera rivals point and shoot cameras and will be a major marketing point for this device.”

If the reports are true, are you a loyal enough iPhone fan to wait until 2012, or will you jump ship to Android/Windows Phone 7 instead?

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