Relying on both voice recognition and motion sensing from the Kinect, the Mirror TV will let you check out what are the big ticket news items featured on the New York Times that day, while allowing you to view the calendar for your appointments, peruse through a burgeoning inbox, and even remain up to speed with the latest Facebook and Twitter updates. Apart from that, you will also be able to know just what the weather is like for the day – although sometimes such predictions aren’t too accurate due to global warming that throws our weather all out of whack.
The mirror can also scan RFID tags in order to retrieve further information concerning a sample product. When used for online clothes shopping as you can see above, the mirror relies on the Kinect camera to scan an image of your body type, so that different clothing items can be overlaid on your body before you actually make a purchase decision.
This remains a prototype as at press time, but it goes to show just how far the Kinect system can be implemented in everyday life.