Being a cyclist is the way to go if you happen to live in a city where everything is within close proximity, making it rather pointless to own a car and fight for parking downtown while running the risk of picking up an illegal parking ticket as well. Not only that, it helps keep the environment green, and you will get your daily dose of exercise – but there are dangers to cycling as well as motorists might tend to ‘bully’ you because of your relatively small size to their fuel guzzling monsters. Modding guru Ben Heck decided to trump cycling safety by equipping a standard bicycle with electronic, light-up ping sensors that will send an alert to cyclists should they happen to suffer from a lapse of concentration and ride too close to cars or other objects.
Of course, this proximity sensor is no substitute to keeping both eyes and ears open to your surroundings, always checking out traffic from both directions and being extra alert at intersections. I’m quite sure it can get quite annoying after a while as well when cars get too close to you by their own accord, and not through any fault of your own.
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