Apple logoWhat’s a week without news about a new Apple patent right? Well, here’s one for you this week. The folks at Apple Insider have discovered a patent application from Apple, titled “Composite Laminate having an Improved Cosmetic Surface and Method of Making Same.” Despite its confusing-sounding name, the patent simply describes a composite laminate placed over the frame of a device, including a “scrim layer” which allows a product like a MacBook Pro to be painted in a variety of colors.

This patent will allow Apple to build devices with super-durable and light material like carbon fiber, but they’ll be available in multiple colors instead of the regular black/gray that we always see on carbon fiber products. Whether or not Apple will use this patented technology is another thing, but the next time Apple creates a colored Carbon Fiber devices – I guess we shouldn’t be too shocked – after all, the company has been previously caught with patents pointing towards a carbon fiber Mac Book Air and iPad in the past.

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