What’s downloaded more than 350 million times and costs $1.5 billion in productivity losses? The answer is pretty simple – we’re talking about Rovio’s hugely successful Angry Birds gaming franchise which has seen it appear across numerous platforms from smartphones to tablets. Most kids would most probably love those upset avians, but what about them green porkers who stand no chance of fighting back? Why, some of them wear a helmet for that added dash of toughness, and this £69.99 Angry Birds Speaker Dock is the epitome of self-preservation.

This particular Angry Birds Speaker Dock will work like most of the other docks out there – you can charge, synchronize and play your iPod or iPhone via this porcine friend. There would be a trio of built-in speakers, among them including a sub-woofer that packs quite the aural punch.

It will definitely make for a cool addition to any home or living room, and is sure to endear yourself immediately to visitors who drop by as it opens up an opportunity to start a conversation.

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