Basically the TalkO’Clock has been described as a peer-to-peer social alarm clock and let’s strangers call you to wake you up. If you’re worried about your privacy, not to worry as it appears that your number will not be given out to the stranger, and will just be stored on the TalkO’Clock’s servers.
All you have to do then is set your alarm and it will be added to a public list of alarm calls, and those who have signed up to TalkO’Clock will be able to view the alarms and then when it’s time to wake you up, a user will be able to choose to give you a wake up call, letting you know that it’s time to start your day. If there’s no one around or willing to give you a call, a robot will be doing the waking up instead.
It appears that the service is free although there’s no indication of how it plans to generate revenue, but if you’re interested in checking them out and not creeped out by the idea of strangers giving you wake up calls, just head on down to TalkO’Clock’s website for more info.