We have no doubt that Sony Ericsson is extremely proud of the display on their Xperia Arc, which uses the Bravia engine. So much so that they have teamed up with McCann Erickson, Munich and developed a campaign that was centered on and inspired by the urban environment, while at the same time promoting their Xperia handsets by showing what people can do with the device’s screens.

The project, dubbed “Challenge”, faced its first challenge when they attempted to make a flower bloom with the help of the Xperia’s screens. The device they used was the Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc and eight were used. Four Arcs were attached at each end of a metal contraption and then swung round, which in a way acted like it was orbiting the plants.

They created an all-black enclosure within a greenhouse, placed several pots of plants in there along with the contraption. We’re not sure how long it took for the plants to flourish but they did, amazingly enough. We also can’t be sure if they cheated along the way.

Either way it’s a pretty cool and interesting concept and you can check it out below.

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