Remember “superdog” Cairo who participated in the mission with the rest of SEAL Team 6 that brought justice to the doorsteps of Osama bin Laden? Well, it seems that we have a better idea on what kind of gear those pooches wore during a mission, as a formal SEAL Team 6 request just came through for a spanking new dog camera, otherwise touted as a “canine camera kit”, will comprise of the camera itself, a battery and antenna that will transmit images to human handlers.

Not only that, the package is also said to come with a six-way battery charger, a high-impact, watertight carrying case, and a user manual. Needless to say, the user manual is meant for the human handler, and not for Cairo to play fetch with it when it is all rolled up.

Cameras from Cobham Tactical Communications & Surveillance, an aerospace and defense company, has been cited by SEAL Team 6, so we can expect nothing but the very best for Cairo and his cohorts. Bear in mind that the image above is not SEAL Team 6, but just a random shot. They’re like, top secret after all, no?

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