In the recent news concerning Apple’s legal battle against Samsung, the former won as the Galaxy Tab 10.1 and even some smartphones from the South Korean manufacturer has faced the ban hammer, mostly across Europe. Well, it seems that should the next Android update manage to fix some of the violated patents, then Samsung’s family of Galaxy smartphones will be able to be sold once again in Europe.

OS News claims that only the Gallery application infringes the patent in question, and Samsung did confirm that a software update would most definitely solve this issue. Bas Berghuis van Woortman, one of Samsung’s lawyers said, “The injunction has been granted due to the method of scrolling in the Gallery. If that’s replaced, there is no more reason to uphold the injunction.”

As Samsung has until mid-October to get around the injunction, it would provide a window of opportunity for Samsung to change the software. All’s well that ends well, no? If you happen to live in Europe, does this piece of news bring a smile to your face, especially if you’re a Samsung fanboy?

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