In 2010, we made headlines, getting into the SF Chronicle, Mercury News, Wired, and TechCrunch. Over 450 founders, developers, investors, and service providers joined us to learn from one another’s mistakes and struggles. Speakers included David Pogue, Jay Adelson, Heather Champ, Paul Buchheit, Steve Blank, Esther Dyson, and dozens more.
Now in 2011, we’re taking it overseas, with our first stop in Paris, France! FailCon France is a one-day conference for over 200 technology entrepreneurs, investors, developers and designers to study their failures and prepare for success.
FailCon France will be held Microsoft Offices in Paris, France, and our readers will get a 15% discount since Ubergizmo is a media partner, click here to register with the discount.
As an entrepreneur, you will inevitably encounter failure; it is overcoming it that is the biggest challenge. At FailCon, we help you do just that. Join founders and partners from ZipCar, TapJoy, Eventbrite, IsCool, and more as share advice on how to reach success.
We’re putting together another incredible line-up including:
* Gilles Babinet, Conseil National du Numerique
* Paul Bowen, TapJoy
* Robin Chase, BuzzCar (founder of ZipCar)
* Daniel Kahn, Kahn & Associés
* Laurent Letourmy, IsCool Inc.
* Frederic Montagnon, Wikio
* Sarah Prevette, Sprouter
* Ricardo Sousa, Cortiza
* Bruno Vanyrb, Avanquest
* Renaud Visage, Eventbrite
* Blaise Vignon, Microsoft
* With more being announced regularly!