
After receiving a lot of flak over its image recognition service for photo tagging and the recent competition from Google+, it looks like Facebook is making some changes to the way people can share their posts, photos, and tags. Users will soon be given the ability to decide who gets to view their posts with sharing options that will be more visual and straightforward instead of being buried inside the settings pages on the website. Users will also get the ability to select what shows up on their profile – if you think that something inappropriate is being posted on your wall – you’ll have the option to remove it before it gets the chance to go on it. Great for folks who want to keep a clean, work-friendly, profile on Facebook.

Explained in detail on the Facebook blog, these new sharing controls will appear right next to the posts instead of inside the settings options – which will make things easier to manage. Another option is the ability to approve tags – you can choose to approve or reject any photo or post that you’ve been tagged in before it shows up on your wall/profile. Users will also get the option to “View Profile As…” so they can see what their profile looks like when their friends or strangers check them out.

Status updates will have more sharing options (who to share with, and the ability to change the sharing settings after the update has been posted), the ability to tag a location from your status itself, and there will also be more options when it comes to getting rid of tags. The updates will be rolled out over the next few days, so keep an eye out for them. How many of you are excited about these new features? Don’t forget to Like us on Facebook!

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