Developer Epic wants to protect their new baby – Gears of War 3, which looks set to be a gaming hit the moment it arrives on store shelves, so that means no spoilers. And just how far are they willing to go to make sure that there will not be any spoilers concerning Gears of War 3 from rabid fans? For starters, Epic has been “extremely diligent about getting that stuff taken down” and has “issued a call to fans to not perpetuate it.”

Apparently, the ban hammer is now out – where Epic has built in a banning system that allows them to enter the system and “identify certain people.” When that happens, if you’re one of the culprits who decided that a leak is in good fun and nature, come September 20th and you’ll be in for a rather nasty surprise when you realize that you can no longer log in and play – having being banned, of course.

It is great that Epic has taken the length and breadth to protect the integrity of a particular game, but for the end users, how do you feel about this kind of rather draconian rule (from certain quarters)? After all, it isn’t to say that you did not fork out your hard earned money for the game, its just that you’ve been, how do I put it, over enthusiastic in spreading the goodness of the title.

I would assume that knowing the end of the movie “Titanic” did not stop droves of people from watching it, drowning the studio’s effort with over a billion dollars. Everyone knew that the Titanic would sink in the end, but did that stop them?

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