Sometimes even if you have a steady hand, you still get amateurish-looking footage due to the rolling-shutter technology used in iOS devices. Professional video cameras use global-shutter cameras, rails and dollys for smooth camera movement – most of us amateur folk don’t have access to such equipment. DollyCam is designed to eliminate the need for all that. Here’s how it works:
DollyCam is based on leading research in computer vision. The unique algorithm uses three-dimensional data from the gyroscope and accelerometer sensors on the iOS device to correct tilted objects and remove wobble. A video stabilizer then adds smoothness and makes the movie stable. DollyCam is also adaptive and adjusts its parameters dynamically to the movie processed. The scientists have conducted a blind user study among students on campus. The study demonstrated that participants preferred DollyCam output to that of its competitors.
So if you’re looking for professional and smooth video from a cheap consumer camera – you could give DollyCam a try, it’s $2.99 from the Apple App Store. Watch the impressive demonstration video: