A while back we reported on a doorbell that would ring your cell phone whenever somebody pressed it, and allowed you to have a conversation with whoever was at the door. Apart from being able to assist delivery workers, it also served a deterrent to burglars who may be staking out your house and who are trying to find out if you’re home.

Well now there’s another system which is somewhat similar, and this one is by Swann, with their Wireless Doormat Alarm. The doormat is actually a pad which is pressure sensitive, that when stepped on will trigger a bell. It can be placed inside your house at night when you’re asleep, so if and when burglars attempt to enter through the front door, they will step on the doormat, sounding the bell. The sound level of the bell is said to be able to go up to 120dB, which we’re guessing is more than enough to wake you up.

In the day time it can also double as a doorbell, by placing it outside, visitors to your home will only have to step on the doormat to trigger the bell, to let you know that someone’s at the door. For $26.99 on Amazon.com, this definitely looks like it’s worth your money.

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