Electric cars are not only green as they do not emit any fumes (although their lack of range is rather a downside for those who love traveling cross-country), and they’re quiet to boot. Well, since the law of entropy is in good effect no matter which corner of the earth you turn to, it makes perfect sense that even electric car batteries cannot last forever as they will need to give way some day or another. What do you do with spent electric car batteries?

GM has tapped the creative side of its engineers, where they decided to wire an old Volt battery pack right back into your abode. According to GM, this old battery might not move a people mover around anymore, but it has still enough fight left in it to offer you up to six hours of juice whenever there is an outage, now how about that?

Nissan on the other hand, intends to incorporate solar panels into their Leaf batteries so that you can always opt to leave your car “naked” to juice it up without having to connect the Leaf to the grid. Sounds like a novel idea, but we don’t think you are going to get too far with this method, and just how much can you save, unless the solar panels used are of extremely high efficiency?

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