Gamers worldwide are anxiously waiting for Modern Warfare 3 (MW3), a very cool-looking (yet very violent) war game recently demonstrated during the E3 show in Los Angeles. Because it is also a multiplayer game that relies quite a bit on communication, a large number of “serious” players have headsets to talk to each other. That’s exactly the crowd that Turtle Beach is going after with a complete line of headsets at various prices.The best-looking one is probably the Turtle Beach PX5, which has the Modern Warfare logo and the Delta Force insignia (above photo). If you have been living under a rock, the Delta Force is a secretive anti-terrorism unit of the U.S Army. It is so secret that the government won’t acknowledge its existence, although books, movies and TV shows do exist… Oh, and I’ve added a MW3 trailer video below, just in case…

In any case, it’s not clear what the MW3 markup ($$$) is going to be, but this looks like something that only the most hardcore MW3 players would get (if they are not already equipped). Let’s wait and see. How much are you willing to pay to get your favorite game’s logo on your computer equipment? Are you a Modern Warfare fan?

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