We had previously reported about a concept TokyoFlash watch which would be able to detect levels of radiation, but unfortunately it is a concept and we don’t know if TokyoFlash has any plans to start manufacturing it. So short of going out and getting your hands on a Geiger counter (which can be pretty tricky and expensive), how about settling for a device that will connect to your iPhone’s audio jack, and will be able to compute and read radiation levels through an iPhone app, all the while only costing you just $50?
It seems that an international volunteer group of scientists, engineers and designers have come together and created what is known as the Smart Radiation Detector, which they claim will be able to detect levels of radiation. The reason why they can afford to make it so cheap is because they are making use of the PIN Photo-diode instead of the Geiger-Muller Tube, which is reportedly a lot more expensive.
At the moment the project is still looking for funding, and it looks like they’re a quarter of their way in, so if you’re up for donating additional funds to their project, just head on down to their Kickstarter page for more information.