You have probably walked out of a cinema or a performance thinking to yourself, “Yeah, that wasn’t too bad,” despite the fact that there might have been certain bits during the movie which made you want to fall asleep. Well it looks like there’s a new way for you to rate a show or performance constantly, which would in turn provide better feedback to the performer or the movie company as to which parts were loved and which were hated.
The app is called Ovation, and it’s a web-based app, which means the majority of smartphones out there in today’s market should have no problems accessing it. As you can see from the photo above, the use of the app is pretty intuitive. All the performer would have to do is provide a URL to the event and users will then load up the web app. Throughout the show or performance, all you would have to do is just move the slider up or down, according to how you feel about that particular part/segment of the show.
So for example if a standup comedian told a joke that fell flat, you’d move it towards the “Hate It” spectrum, the degree depending on how much you hated it. A graph above the slider indicates what you and the rest of the audience have been feeling throughout the entire show, so if you loved the show all the way, it would show a pretty flat graph, but if there were certain parts you did not like, the graph would spike accordingly. So at the end of the night, the comedian would be able to better assess which of his/her jokes worked, and which didn’t.
Of course having to constantly rate a show while watching it could detract from the experience, but if you think you’re up for multitasking, just head on down to Ovation’s website for more info.