Nokia N9 disassembly instructions now available

So you have just gotten yourself a spanking new Nokia N9, and are having the time of your life with it? For Nokia N9 owners who have the intestinal fortitude (and curiousity) to find out what is underneath the hood, here is a Nokia N9 disassembly instruction “manual” of sorts. Apparently, you enter from the side to unlock the device, where everything else is accessible from right under the display itself. In fact, some people have even described the Nokia N9’s display to be “bordering on perfection” and “looking into the eyes of God” – pretty lofty claims, and I am quite sure that iPhone 4 owners would beg to differ. Has your curiousity been fed yet? If you answered in the negative, you can always check out the instructions here, just make sure you have enough time, patience and a steady hand to check out its innards.

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