HTC Desire Z Gingerbread almost here

HTC Desire Z

Great news for HTC Desire Z users (well, for those of you who still haven’t rooted your phone for a custom ROM) – according to the Romanian HTC Facebook page, the official Gingerbread update is coming very soon. While it isn’t the end of June ETA promised previously, it still falls in summer, which was the estimate for when the Desire family phones would be getting the update anyway.

The Gingerbread update for the HTC Desire Z is in its final testing phase right now, and the roll-out should begin at the end of the month, though some carriers will be getting it earlier than others. HTC does promise that it should be on all Desire Z devices by the end of July.

No word on when the official G2 Gingerbread update will be arriving, but it seems a bit strange that we’ll be getting Gingerbread with Sense earlier than stock Gingerbread. After all, didn’t people buy a phone with stock Android so they could receive updates faster?

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