
Are you the kind of person who purchases a game, sits down and finishes it in one sitting? If you are, you probably feel like the amount of money you shell out to purchase games isn’t really worth it, and you’d much prefer a game rental service instead. Well if you were in Taiwan, you could possibly the new App Store rules, but other than that you’re pretty much out of luck when it comes to mobile gaming.

Until today – a company named Extent has just launched its brand-new gaming rental service called GameTanium – the first of its kind for Android as well as on mobile devices. GameTanium gives users a Netflix-style all-you-can-eat access to over 75 games (with more to come) for just $4.99 a month. While it’s not going to have all the games available on the Android Market (GameTanium will be the ones selecting the games to go up for rent).

While the game rental model might not be for everyone, this does show that the mobile gaming market is viable enough to even start game rental services. But since it only just launched today, we’re yet to see its level of success. The most important thing would be its selection of games available (over 75 right now, but GameTanium plans to hit over 200 by year’s end). Head over to the GameTanium website from your Android device right now for a free trial. No word on when or whether it will hit iOS devices, but I’m sure iOS users wouldn’t mind a service like this too.

[Press Release]

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