Evoluce, the German display manufacturer known for its multi-touch + gesture displays has just announced the release of the Evolouce TWO. An improvement over the I-voluce, it still features a 46″ multi-touch LCD display, but this time it can detect over 60 simultaneous inputs, supporting up to four users at once. Just like the previous display, gesture detection is still around, utilizing the power of the Kinect sensor for users to take advantage of the screen without having to lay their hands on it.
The scratch-resistant front glass offers haptic touch feeling for smooth interaction with the display. Its 3D-sensor mounted 100cm above the screen can even detect shapes and 3D objects on the screen – so it can tell if a glass of water is full or empty. A pretty impressive device that is just as useful functionality wise as well as jaw-dropping to people who haven’t used such a device before. The Evoluce TWO is expected to be used in offices and retail outlets, as digital signage, in exhibitions, for gaming and even medical applications.
It’s not going to be cheap though with a price tag of $7,105 (4,995 EUR) which doesn’t include the software that needs to be specially designed for it – the Evoluce TWO is definitely not for everyone. Watch a video demonstration of it in action: