How would like to clean, while at the same time go green? If you do, what do you think about this vacuum cleaner that is made out of cardboard? Initially designed by Loughborough University student, Jake Tyler, the vacuum cleaner seemed like a pretty viable product which is why Vax decided to pick it up. 

The Vax ev is a high performance vacuum cleaner constructed for optimum sustainability, using recycled and recyclable materials that reduce the burden on landfill. In fact, it’s so green that the vacuum cleaner is made out of the box that it came in. Yes you read that right, apparently all the user would have to do is “pop” the panels into place around the motor housing, and it’s good to go. Absolutely no glue required. The corrugated cardboard panels that form the body of the Vax ev are also easily replaced when damaged and apparently will cost just a tenth of the price of an equivalent plastic panel. The cardboard used is said to come with a flame retardant coating and it is fully customizable in the sense that with just a few felt tip pens, you can turn your vacuum cleaner into a unique work of art.

Vax is looking to do a limited edition run of this vacuum cleaner, probably just to test the market’s response, and if it responds well, we could be seeing plenty of these on sale some time in the future! I don’t know about you, but suddenly I’m very excited about cleaning.

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