Remember your feeling when you first fed a quarter to an arcade machine that featured a three quarter round that went about chomping on pills, evading ghosts and picking up fruit and other goodies at the same time through a maze? I am quite sure that the love affair with Pac-Man did not stop at just one quarter, in fact, you must have fed arcade machines with many quarters over the ensuing months in order to achieve a new high score should someone knock you off your perch. In fact, just slightly more than a year ago, Google even released the Pac-Man doodle that could be downloaded for your enjoyment. Well, it seems that the yellow chomper is immortal, this time making his way to Facebook thanks to Namco Bandai Games Europe, where he will let you participate in the action in Pac-Man as well as Pac-Man S – a version that has social functions thrown into the mix. 

These two titles will be Facebook exclusives, where the S Series version will let you attempt to hit the best score in just two minutes before you compare it to what your friends have scored. The best part of all this? No more quarters for you to lose.

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